Be inspired by Pablo Picasso
Picasso, the son of an art professor, was born in Spain in 1881. At age 14, he began studying at the School of Fine Art under the instruction of his father. Picasso cycled through many styles of art during his long life, but for this activity, we will use his cubist portraits as inspiration. You might like to search "Picasso Cubist Portraits" on the internet for lots of examples of his work. For this activity, you can use any medium you would like, the main thing is to have fun and try something new.
The medium is the type of art materials or art process you are using. E.g. watercolour, acrylic, pencil; painting, drawing or collage.
Let's Begin
1. Make 5 diagonal folds on a sheet of paper. I like to create an intersection point for 3 of the folds, but there really is no right or wrong way to do this.
2. Look at the folded lines on your page, turning it to observe from different angles and sides. Can you see something in the lines to suggest a face?
3. Usinga pencil, sketch facial features on the page. For fun, you might like to put a nose where an eye would usually be, or an ear where the lips belong.
4. Draw in the folds and features with a dual ended marker, pencil or permanent marker like a Sharpie.
5. Take some time to look at the face and consider the colours you would like to use. In this colourful example, we used several different mediums to show different effects:
- Watercolour (orange)
- Coloured marker (magenta)
- Soft pastel (blue)
- Charcoal pencil (rust)
- Coloured Pencil (yellow)
6. Colour your portrait using your chosen medium (or mediums!)
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