Sally de Zwaan
Make Your Own Sunflower
It is impossible not to feel joyful and inspired after a visit to our local sunflower farm. We have created this activity so you can brighten up your day with a sunflower of your own... no matter the season.
Sally de Zwaan
Paint Scraping Activity
We all want to proudly display our children’s artwork…. buuuuut…. Let’s be honest, that artwork might not quite fit the aesthetic of our home. This is where I love a simple process artwork that both thrills my children as they walk past it every day... and which genuinely adds interest to the decor of our home. We have used our Creative Kids Acrylic Paint Kit to create this simple paint scrape artwork which proudly hangs in our home. You will need: Acrylic Paint: 4-6 colours; 3-4 for the base + 1-2 for the second layer Canvas or paper - We...
Sally de Zwaan
Earth Craft Activities
Our Creative Kids Earth Craft Kit is an invitation to head outside and be inspired by nature... and to make use of what might otherwise be considered rubbish or weeds. Follow the instructions below to get you started on your creative journey.
Paper Making
Flower Pressing
Pressed Flower Lantern
Use your Creative Kids vouchers for the Earth Craft online workshop
Sally de Zwaan
Pressed Flower Lantern
Ok, so you have your beautiful pressed flowers, let's make something special out of it.
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